Thursday 29 August 2013

Review: Kookamunga Dippers Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

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Taste: This bag contained wide-rippled potato chips partially coated in a fairly light-colored milk chocolate. Melting chocolate and stuck-togeteher chips is often a risk for chocolate-covered potato chips. We didn't go out of our way to test temperature-test these chips, but it still became an issue. It was clear that NutHeads Chocolate knew about the heat issues, as they included a cooling pack in the shipping box for these. By the time we got it, nearly all of the chips were stuck together. (The box had been delivered to a shaded area on a day with temperatures in the low 80's.) Even stuck together, we were able to pull chips off and eat them. Most chips seemed to be fully coated on one side, with the flip side large consisting of exposed potato chip, with some chocolate around the edge and in other spots. The taste was pretty good, but the chocolate had a very melty feel, and it ended up being fairly messy to eat. Still, the mix of sweet milk chocolate and salty potato was quite nice, and the partial coating helped to make the salty potato more accessible to the taste buds. Even with the half-coating, there was still plenty of chocolate, and it was good milk chocolate. But the melt/messiness factor did take away from the overall experience. The marketing copy on the bag emphasized the resealable bag and called this an "on-the-go snack" but it seems the intended uses might be bound by some temperature restrictions.

Shop: Buy potato chips at

Aroma: Very sweet milk chocolate smell.

Kookamunga Dippers Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

"Kookamunga Dippers Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips are made with the finest ingredients! Our wavy potato chips are dipped in sweet tasting real milk chocolate for an irresistible sweet-salty combination. This scrumptious treat in the resealable pouch is the perfect on-the-go snack."

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