Thursday 29 August 2013

Review: Euro Classic Imports Authentic Belgian Waffle

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Euro Classic Imports Authentic Belgian Waffle Taste: This waffle was kind of oval-shaped, but with the usual square sections, and it was about an inch thick. I put it onto a plate and figured I could cut off a piece with a fork, as is my usual practice with waffles. This proved to be difficult, because the waffle had a dense, bread-like feel, so it took some force to push the fork through the waffle. I did manage to do it, and after getting a small piece loose, I found a somewhat chewy texture with a sugary layer on top, a good taste. It didn't duplicate the crunchy outside/soft inside that you can get with a freshly ironed or (to a lesser degree) toasted waffle, as there was no crunch, and the inside wasn't light and fluffy, but very dense instead. It might be easier to eat if you bring a fork and a knife. The waffle was just OK, and far from great. It waffle didn't come anywhere close to being like the best waffle I've ever eaten, which was actually in Belgium, a hot-off-the-iron one from a waffle stand inside a subway station in Brussels.

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Aroma: Very nice. Just mildly sweet.

"Ideal for snack, lunch and dessert"

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