Wednesday 11 September 2013

Why women don't make partner

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Thursday 29 August 2013

Review: Kookamunga Dippers Milk Chocolate Covered Red Licorice

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Taste: This resealable bag contained thick, stubby pieces of licorice fully coated in milk chocolate. The coating was so thorough that there was no external sign that the licorice was even red. I bit into my first piece and was surprised that I could barely taste any chocolate at all. Despite the presence of a generous chocolate coating, the red licorice taste dominated. As time went on, the licorice taste actually got even more intense, with even less chocolate to taste, maybe close to none. I did notice a nice hint of milk chocolate in the aftertaste. But I'm not sure the two tastes would go well together anyway. If you really like red licorice a lot, you might think these are pretty good, but it seemed a bit pointless to coat it in chocolate when we could barely taste it anyway.

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Aroma: Strong fruity licorice smell.

Kookamunga Dippers Milk Chocolate Covered Red Licorice

"Kookamunga Dippers Milk Chocolate Covered Red Licorice is made with the finest ingredients. Chewy Red Licorice gets dipped in real milk chocolate for a delightfully decadent combination. You'll be hooked!"

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Review: Vauchon Golden Sponge Cakes

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Vauchon Golden Sponge Cakes Taste: These snack cakes looked from the picture on the box to be a lot like Twinkies, but with the addition of a wide stripe of chocolate on top, running the full length of the cake. It wasn't a full exterior chocolate coating like Chocodiles so they still closely resembled Twinkies. As a fan of Twinkies and a fan of milk chocolate, that sounded like a great combination to me! I bit in to find the expected soft Twinkies texture, with plenty of sweetness from both the cake and the creme filling, and it was nicely enhanced by the chocolate on top. Very good!

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Aroma: Smells like Twinkies, but with some chocolate too.

"Bakers since 1923"

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Review: Good Natured Selects Baked Multigrain Crisps Tuscan Garden Medley

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Taste: These narrowly rippled crisps (made from potato and several other grains) were oddly shaped with generally a light beige color, but darker beige around the edges, plus there were some dark bits embedded inside the crisps and tiny dark bits of seasoning on the surfaces. They were fairly dense and somewhat thin, with a nice crunch and quite a bit of flavor. There was a solid crunch and good crispness, and the most noticeable taste was the celery. Celery is not generally a dominant sort of flavor, but it was mixed in with many other veggies, seeds and spices for a nice taste to go along with the good texture.

Shop: Herr's Online Store

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Aroma: Smells like roasted vegetables with spices, definitely can smell the celery.

Good Natured Selects Baked Multigrain Crisps Tuscan Garden Medley

"A snack that's right for right now. Thanks to today's healthy lifestyles, families eat better, exercise better, and now, even eat better. Good Natured Selects? are made from wholesome ingredients, including poppy,flax, sesame and caraway seeds. There are no artificial ingredients and they are gluten free." ... "Good Natured Selects? Tuscan Garden Medley A savory blend of carrots, onion and celery, flavored with a touch of roasted garlic, tomato and bell pepper. This multigrain crisp will sure to please your snacking appetite."

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Review: Crunchyjoy

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Crunchyjoy Taste: This box contained six individually wrapped candy bars, each fairly small. Each bar had a chocolate exterior with kind of a rough texture, and it appeared that the bar was a mix of crunchy things and milk chocolate. I initially thought it was maybe something like Rice Krispies, but the ingredients had various other things, including wheat and corn, that presumably constituted the crunchy elements of the bar. The taste and feel were quite good: lots of chocolate, but a light feel overall, less dense than a standard chocolate bar. It was hard to eat just one of the bars, but thankfully there were six of them, and three bars seemed to be a good serving size.

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Aroma: Good milk chocolate smell.

"Ingredients: Sugar, Wheat Flour, Cacao Mass, Whole Milk Powder, Vegetable OIl, Cocoa Butter, Egg, Corn Puff, Sweetened Condensed Skim Milk, Skim Mil Powder, Wheat Puff, Salt, Soybean Lecithin, Sorbitol, Artificial Flavor, Sodium Bicarbonate, Annatto Extract, Turmeric Color."

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Review: Snack Jack Wasabi Flavour

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Taste: This bag contained fairly thin, wiggly, light green-colored sticks. The shade of green was even lighter than the sticks depicted on the bag, but the color still did look like wasabi. We crunched in to find a dense feel and sort of a mushy crunch. There was definitely some wasabi to taste, though not particularly hot wasabi, and besides that there was some actual green pea flavor, which was consistent with the main ingredient of the dough being peas. We expected these to be a hit, especially for our tasters who like actual wasabi peas, but it didn't turn out that way; most people weren't very high on the taste or the texture.

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Aroma: Smells like wasabi. For real.

Snack Jack Wasabi Flavour

"Vegetarian Green Pea Snack" ... "Rich in Iodine Provide Protein Iron Vitamin B1 and Dietary fiber"

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Review: Pop Tarts Gone Nutty! Frosted Chocolate & Peanut Butter

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Taste: These Pop-Tarts had a light chocolate colored exterior with a darker chocolate frosting covering most of the top. I bit in to find a soft peanut butter filling and a taste that was a lot like Reese's, except sweeter. What I ate an untoasted one, there was a minor crunch from the frosting, but otherwise the texture was on the soft side. I liked the taste as I ate this, but the aftertaste was really quite sweet ? too sweet, in fact. So if you don't have a glass of cold milk handy when you're eating yours (I didn't) the sweetness might be a bit much.

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Aroma: Good mild chocolate smell, just a hint of peanut butter.

Pop Tarts Gone Nutty! Frosted Chocolate & Peanut Butter

"WHAMmmmm! A melty peanut butter & chocolate high five to the taste buds."

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