Friday 26 July 2013

Review: Trader Jacques Beurre Meuni�re Popcorn

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Taste: This bag of popcorn contained large butterfly kernels with just a slight hint of yellow, plus a very sparse amount of green seasoning. We crunched in to find that the texture varied from crisp to a bit mushy depending on which kernel, with a fairly subtle but tasty mix of spices. The bag said there was brown butter, parsley, thyme and lemon, and that seemed to be about right; there wasn't a whole lot of any of those individual things, but they combined for a taste different from any other popcorn we've tried, and it was very tasty. Our snackers praised the flavor as they crunched through multiple handfuls.

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Aroma: Good popcorn smell, a little different than usual, but hard to place. Not really buttery in the usual sense.

Trader Jacques Beurre Meuni?re Popcorn

"(that's fancy speak for brown butter with lemon)" ... "delicious popcorn drizzled with a brown butter, parsley, thyme and lemon flavor seasoning"

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